Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Wonderful Kids i Teach!!

This is me and Greta she is a handful... she likes to hang on you and she love English class she is always intrested in what we are doing and she is one of my best students and this is only her first semester in the ILP program.
Me and my favorite student once again me and Elizabeth she is so adorable.

This is my opening calss it is half of the kindergarden class we teach... they are so cute but all thogether they are a pain in the bumm but in the end it is so worth all the stress and sweat i put into teaching these kids to see the love and kindness they returne to me and all the other teachers...
This is Kali and Elizabeth they are so cute but together they both are a big hand full... Elizabeth is my lil helper she is the nicest and i would say my favorite but its hard to tell now... Kali is a hand full i am not going to lie he like to show off to all the girls and practice is pokemon moves on them its really funny...
This on is for you mom.... Her name is Tiffany everytime i see her i think of you even though she is a lil 3 year old girl and Chinese its just her name that really reminds me of you! she is so cute and really quiet its so hard to get her to talk english but thats ok her adorable-ness makes up for it all...


  1. haha that kali looks like he's got some pretty sweet moves! ...but the school looks a lot nicer than i had been imagining it! i thought it would have been kinda "grungier" it looks like their havin fun! hope you are too! love ya!

  2. cute pics Jess! You really are a celebrity! Miss ya! Jo
